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Changes from 2.1.3 -> 2.2.0

  • Add summary.populationSize: new integer field to record the population size of the dataset/cohort in the summary field
  • Add summary.datasetType: new string field to be used to record the type of dataset (will be changed to enum at some later point )
  • Add summary.datasetSubType: new string field to be used with summary.datasetType to record the type of dataset
  • Change coverage: New fields for cohort variables
    • Rename coverage.physicalSampleAvailability --> coverage.biologicalsamples:
    • Add coverage.gender, list:
      • Allowed Values: Male, Female, Other
    • Add coverage.psychological, list:
      • Allowed Values: Cognitive Function, Mental Health
    • Add coverage.physical, list:
      • Allowed Values: Respiratory, Vision, Hearing, Musculoskeletal, Cardiovascular, Reproductive
    • Add coverage.anthropometric, list:
      • Allowed Values: Blood Pressure, Hip Circumference, Height, Waist Circumference,
    • Add, list:
      • Allowed Values: Smoking, Dietary Habits, Physical Activity, Alcohol, Weight
    • Add coverage.socioeconomic, list:
      • Allowed Values: Finances, Family Circumstances, Housing, Education, Marital Status, Occupation, Ethnic Group, Social Support
  • Add New collection for tissue samples:
    • Add tissuesSampleCollection.dataCategories
      • Allowed values: Biological samples, Survey data, Imaging data, Medical records, National registries, Genealogical records, Physiological/Biochemical measurements, Other
    • Add tissuesSampleCollection.materialType
      • Allowed values: Blood, DNA, Faeces, Immortalized Cell Lines, Isolated Pathogen, Other, Plasma, RNA, Saliva, Serum, Tissue (Frozen), Tissue (FFPE), Urine
    • Add tissuesSampleCollection.collectionType
      • Allowed values: Case-control, Cohort, Cross-sectional, Longitudinal, Twin-study, Quality control, Population-based, Disease specific, Birth cohort, Other
    • Add tissuesSampleCollection.tissueSampleMetadata.creationDate
    • Add tissuesSampleCollection.tissueSampleMetadata.anatomicalSiteOntologyCode:
      • Has to match the pattern for an ICD-0-3 code ^[C\d]{3}\.\d{4}\/\d{1,4}$